The F-18 Stick Grip is the main pilot/aircraft interface for flight, avionics and armament systems. Manufactured of high-strength molded plastic, the grip is resistant to environmental conditions per MIL-STD-810. This stick grip provides a variety of single and multi-function switch assemblies for aircraft trim control, display management, weapon select, air-to-ground weapon release, two-stage trigger for gunfire and air-to-air weapon release, nosewheel steering and aerial refueling.
The Boresight Reference Unit is an optical alignment device that is mounted on the upper right side of the F-15 and F-18 instrument panel. The BRU works in conjunction with the Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) and allows the Weapon Systems Officer (WSO) to align his or her aiming reticle, projected on the helmet visor, with the aircraft’s targeting sensors. This capability allows both crew members to track and lock on to targets simultaneously, particularly with high off-boresight weapons.
The ATFLIR Electronics Tray is the “brains” of the Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared System installed in the F/A-18 Hornet. When activated through the cockpit panel, the system allows for imagery from the aircraft’s infrared sensor to be transmitted to a ground-based unit. This high-resolution, real-time communication allows for precision targeting and strike capabilities, as well as reduced collateral damage.